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Motion & Merry Go Rounds

A playground is an exciting place for children to visit, a place where they can explore their environment, spend time with other children, and expand their imaginations. Children enjoy playing on swings and slides, but they absolutely love a spinning merry-go-round!

A staple of carnivals around the world, the merry-go-round is believed to have started as a way to train knights for jousting competitions. Today, children of all ages delight in the motion of spinning play equipment.

All of our playground products, including every kids' roundabout for sale, are of the highest quality, are IPEMA-tested, and meet all ASTM and CPSC standardsNo matter which style you prefer, you can shop our carousel playground equipment with confidence, knowing that all of our play fixtures are durable and safeAll of our playground equipment, merry-go-round units included, is manufactured with children’s safety and enjoyment in mind.

If you are in the process of planning or building a play space, a commercial merry-go-round is a perfect addition, and at Noah's Park & Playgrounds, we can help you find just the right model for your needs.